Canadian and US nationals are both coming up quickly, followed very shortly by Europeans, which means there will be no shortage of skating to watch over the coming weeks.
The Canadian National champions will be fairly obvious choices, with the exception of the ladies event, where any one of the top three Canadian ladies can take the title. If Alaine cuts the triple axel (which is nowhere near clean any of the times I've seen her, and seems to be ruining the rest of the program) she will probably take the title, but at this point, with the significant failures she's had on the Grand Prix circuit, she still kept it, which does not bode well for her performance at nationals.
The third spot on the men's team is the only toss up in that event, Patrick Chan will inevitably win, and Nam will get the silver, but Eladj Balde, Liam Firus, and a couple other men could reasonably take the third spot to worlds.
2nd through 4th in the Pairs event in Canada will be a heated fight. I genuinely think Julianne and Charlie have the second spot locked, but either Kirsten and Dylan or Lubov and Dylan could stand a chance at taking that spot from them, it will be interesting to see who Skate Canada will choose to send to worlds.
In the dance event, it is essentially a sure fire win for Kaitlin and Andrew, and Piper and Paul will most certainly be second, but the question for third place will be a significant competition. There is Alexandra Paul and Mitchell Islam and Nicole Orford and Asher Hill, as well as other teams.
This weekend in Halifax we'll see some amazing senior skaters at Canadian nationals this year. We're going to have strong teams for Worlds in most or all of the disciplines
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