Saturday, 14 November 2015

Paris Attacks and the Potential Impact on Trophee Bompard

Terror attacks hit Paris Friday Nov 13, over 100 people died and the country entered a state of emergency. There were at least 6 attacks that happened simultaneously. Large groups of civilians were targeted, including a concert, a soccer game, and places like bars and restaurants.

Trophee Bompard is also this weekend, and even though France has re-opened its borders and flights are entering the country again (according to the CBC). However, some people are calling for the competition to be cancelled.

The ISU should be making an announcement soon, but have not done so yet. It is still unclear what's going to happen with the event going forward.

All of the skaters are fine, and as far as I am aware, so are the officials.

My thoughts are with the people of Paris as they go through this horrible tragedy.

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